
bla bla bla

Happy Weekend my dear...

How's life treat you? Been a week after quite busy working days, finally touch down the weekend...
I'm trying this coffee shop near my house, hmm quite cozy, but maybe the smoking area is very very deserted, kinda lonesome there... so after finished my 4th cigar i went down for the lil bit crowd on lower ground.. Well at least there're 5 people here with the baristas. Duh gw jadi pengen buka Cafe deeeh kalo gini.. Cafe yang homy trus nuansa oldies gitu yah jadi kayak Our's Cafe dulu jaman di Semarang, trus gw tambahin salon or maybe spa

anyway i start doing yoga since last week, i attended twice last week and i feel bliss... I dont know much about Yoga, but like i said, i feel bliss, so calm, relax, and get what i think my body need... I join the Hatha Yoga twice and curious about more class

i Visited this site http://www.poweryoga.com/power-yoga-basics/ it says
"The fact is, we're all different: different faces, shapes, sizes, personalities, etc.... We all shouldn't have and can't have the same bodies. Our life experiences and genetic dispositions make us different. Real health and vitality comes when we stop comparing and competing with each other, and start listening to the voice within that tells us what we need. We don't need to have the "best body;" we need to have our own body. By turning off the controlling mind, we can finally listen to the innate wisdom that waits to be heard."

Cant wait for the next class...



It's to complete not to compete

a friend at work suddenly came to my cubical this day, have a little chit-chat and then he told me
"i came to work to complete not to compete"

Nothing i said but smile, wide smile, and in my heart i said glorious to those words! 
It back remind me that Slow baby Slow, Take it Slow... Enjoy, feel it... like a beat, like a rhythm of a music.













treadmill makes me happy! (man makes me happier)

Who loves to take an exercise rise your hands up! 

I just came home from taking an hours at gym while actually i have some flue, but you know dear i feel way so happy and my body feels like much better, i believe tomorrow after my beauty sleep i will be healed from this virus. 

my favorite gym tool is treadmill i can take an hour there or minimum 30 minutes/day, and my other favorite or maybe should i said the most favorite things is the guy... yeah i dont believe when someone went to gym 100 % just for takin some exercise, yeah rite that's nonsense.. i went to the gym 80% for body exercise and 20% for soul exercise, if you know what i mean :p 

Anybody who comes with ideas to put lot of mirrors on gym are Brilliant! once i get caught with my PT when my eyes had some exercise to handsome guy next to me, and then i heard my PT suddenly said "Fokus! mata fokus! mata!" oh Lord i feel like maling ketangkep basah dan siap diadili oleh masyarakat :))

Screening around to the floor i caught this guy, hmmm 20 something i guess, this koko brondong unyu have very ideal (for me) lean body mass.. when my eyes meet his eyes, i look from head to toe and it's just "uhuy" moment for me.... i'm melting! oh no i just remember, i ever met this koko before at locker room, his locker is right beside mine and i dont think i was into him that time, i dont know maybe dia belom pasang susuk pada saat gw ketemu di locker room :p

One big day become memory, when i was on sauna room, he saw me sat alone, he came to sauna room, and sat beside me... i can smell his perfume, it's chocolate (well im using tropical coffee, dont we very match?! we could be a  mocha... uhlala cafe mocha.. romantic) it's like i hold my breath, i dont want to breath oh dear lord i need napas buatan from him.. but then all this pdkt moment became buyar when om om gendut suddenly came to the room and join with us... ah damn! he ruin everything, my day dreaming :(

i think i know his schedule, monday to friday 6 pm... but today i didn't see him, maybe he went for mudik lebaran.. 

oh dear, if he's my destiny, i will sing a gospel song on church hahaha

teruntuk : koko brondong ganteng yang wangi coklat 


Self Challenge

"lemak is sexy kak... cuma Anjing yang doyan tulang!"

that's a quote from my friend on path... yeah i'm addicted to path now, since we know friendster, facebook, twitter now here comes path, i dont know what next will be the boom on socmed.. anyway back on the quote, i'm laugh and happy when i read that "... cuma Anjing yang doyan tulang" implicit something rite? :p
i am proud to have lemak on my body! :))

Been there done that, from 98 kilos to 60 now im 86 that's the number of my F weight for 26 years i live in this cruel yet so beautiful world. The process of losing weight is so torturing kinda tired to tell how i reach 60 from 98, but lemme tell you something that environment is holding very huge-psychological impact (unconsciously) to push me losing my weight (that time) so i can reach the 60. In other side gaining weight is so joyful moment, without target nor pressure just eat what you wanna eat, freely, happily and voila im 86 :))
like i've told before that environment is holding the very huge role, it start bugging me again. lots of joke, lots of cynical glimpse.. i was okey at first, like who cares, i still have an F, we chubb people absolutely got market, know Growlr application? LOL... but then i realized i HAVE NO FIT SHIRT - MY HOT PANTS JUST DONT FIT ANYMORE which means ITS A WORLD DISASTER! so this one day at office when i met a user, i came into his office, sit on a chair, listened what he said  and i feel "Engeb" (couldn't breath easily) and i could't get what my user said and asked me. when i walked out from his place, i decided to back on the right track, i need an exorcism for every over appetite that seduce me so i always come into the very delicious yummy fatty food over and over again.
Now i'm on training program, dont wanna call it as diet program, i call it healthy program, as losing weight become the plus that i will get.

I came to the gym after office hours around 7 pm start with changing the shirt, and put my running shoes on and then walk pretentiously to the treadmill lol... treadmill makes me happy!  (but man makes me happier) hahaha... 45 minutes on treadmill, some butt exercise, do the sit up, and then back on treadmill for 15 mnts.

I challenge my self to be more healthier and sexier, 68 with sexy butt by the end of 2013
can i?
Yes I can


a Hello

Hellow BlogWorld how you doin'? hope life treat us very well...

Been a year work at new place after the pharmacy industry, it's a lovely environment they accept me just the way i am with all my uniqueness.. kinda enjoy my job but still there always up and down. lot of assignment over me, i should find many candidates and offer them to the user... Damn how could i found the best one for another if i couldnt found just one for my self. But as i told i kinda enjoy it, i love meet new people, experienced or fresh graduate, interview them (i prefer to call it chit chat to interview). Always got something from them, and errtime i saw their eyes i saw Hope. Yes Hope just the same with me when i was on their position as a job seeker. Well i will wrote a lot about them on my next posty.

Oiya now im on diet programme since i lost control on my weight and it reach 80 something kilos now (yes shit happen dude!). Disaster. well i dont want to make it stressful, the aim isn't to make it slim to zero size, the main purpose is to become healthier than before (I lie) the main purpose is to find my future husband and find the way to live happily ever after. Fin