
bla bla bla

Happy Weekend my dear...

How's life treat you? Been a week after quite busy working days, finally touch down the weekend...
I'm trying this coffee shop near my house, hmm quite cozy, but maybe the smoking area is very very deserted, kinda lonesome there... so after finished my 4th cigar i went down for the lil bit crowd on lower ground.. Well at least there're 5 people here with the baristas. Duh gw jadi pengen buka Cafe deeeh kalo gini.. Cafe yang homy trus nuansa oldies gitu yah jadi kayak Our's Cafe dulu jaman di Semarang, trus gw tambahin salon or maybe spa

anyway i start doing yoga since last week, i attended twice last week and i feel bliss... I dont know much about Yoga, but like i said, i feel bliss, so calm, relax, and get what i think my body need... I join the Hatha Yoga twice and curious about more class

i Visited this site http://www.poweryoga.com/power-yoga-basics/ it says
"The fact is, we're all different: different faces, shapes, sizes, personalities, etc.... We all shouldn't have and can't have the same bodies. Our life experiences and genetic dispositions make us different. Real health and vitality comes when we stop comparing and competing with each other, and start listening to the voice within that tells us what we need. We don't need to have the "best body;" we need to have our own body. By turning off the controlling mind, we can finally listen to the innate wisdom that waits to be heard."

Cant wait for the next class...


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