Dear bitches wuzzapp!
What i love from weekend is sitting in coffee shop, listening to music, a cup of coffee, cigar, and hot stud who seliweran at this coffee shop, there are no tasks, politics, or whatsoever i met on monday to friday, im like free!
So i start this sunday morning on yoga studio, having a gentle yoga, freaking gentle yoga stretching my ligament, it feels fucking hurt!! but at the end it feels so much relaxing... just like another day after yoga session for finishing touch i went to sauna, more than 6 mos joining this gym club this is the first time there a hot stud came to me and start a convo, well it just a normal convo at the beginning but then this guy is start to seduce me and ask me to "go" out in public, it's like Whaaat??
ah damn, boys are always be boys, they need what called as adrenalin genital experience.
Well lesson learn, i found my self still attractive here, i guess im out of the market but the fact tell different today :)).
Cheers for life!